Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Loving someone hurt
sometimes, hurts yourself

Just a simple reason
That person can't move on
from being hurt

It's a classic love scene

We hurt ourselves for loving someone
, hurt ourselves for caring about someone
, hurt ourselves for knowing that someone still can't open up for you

Now..it's here come the next question

Are you willing to wait for that person?
Wait for that person to return your love?
Wait for that person to love you back?

Tick tock..
Tick tock..

How long?
and...how strong are you?


Monday, October 21, 2013

Love? Funny isn't it?

Is this what we call love?
Is this how it actually feels?

Honestly I forgot how it feels
Till yesterday..when he was in front of me
Even though we are just friends, but why am I so nervous?

Is it just a crush?

Or it is love?


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Stupidity or Lonely?

I can't stop crying

Stupid anime! Bokura Ga Ita took too much emotion out of me

and I, being the stubborn person here can't move on..listening to the OSTs while tears rolling down on my cheeks

I do wonder, why am I so sad? So upset?

I do think it's the loneliness or maybe the story mirrored too much of my love life even though it was long time ago..
and I mean it..a very very long time ago

I do think now, I need someone
Out of stupidity for shooed someone away last time
Now I know, I'm so lonely

I need someone..
who love me for me, regardless of me being fat, unpretty
who will lend his ears to listen to my problems and hug me when I cry because of it
whom I can rest my head on his lap to nap
whom I can hug from behind
who will give me a surprise kiss
who will grab my hand and walk together
who will pull me towards his chest, hug me and comfort me and whisper softly that he loves me
who will get jealous if there are somebody else after me
who will act childishly to get my attention and I can fight him over that or maybe scold him 'Stupid! I do love you'
argh~ there are so many things I need

Will I ever find one?
I don't know....

Honestly..I really don't know


Him.. (Part 1)

Atsushi Otani

I can say I know this guy through Lovely Complex
and he's one of the guys I've watched and admired

He's not tall, kinda short
Not really good looking but kinda cute
A bit harsh when talking but really caring about other people
Clueless sometimes, guess it's just a denial habit
Childish sometimes but can be romantic too
Masculine or I can say behave manly
A typical boy/man type
Firm but sometimes shy

I like the way he talks
The way he shows his jealousy
The way he cares
The way he excels in basketball regardless how short he is
He's a good friend and I can see a good boyfriend too
Really hold on to his promise
and I can see a gentleman in him which rarely shows 


Saturday, October 19, 2013


I never knew
Watching an anime called Bokura Ga Ita
Will cause my eyes this swollen
Luckily tomorrow is Sunday
..and suddenly I feel like..
I need a boyfriend..*Sigh~*

Just..can't go on

Bokura Ga Ita..

I just started to watch it yesterday
Finished 10 episodes in 1 night
But I just can't go on..can't move to another episode

The story felt so real
I'm hurt inside, seeing Yano-kun acts like a jerk
I'm just too emotional, as if I'm in Takahashi's shoes

It's too heart breaking
Knowing Yano-kun can't really move on
I can't keep my eyes dry while watching this


A Girl..

Yes, I'm a girl
Love to watch the sky from my bed
To enjoy the smell of the rain from my room
Locked inside the small square space and speak my mind out

What do I do?
I prefer lying on my bed for hours
Enjoy flustering my heart with love crush to all anime heroes that I admired

And yes, that's how I got the name
Even though there are others whom I really love
Usui, Kirito, Otani, Kazehaya..too many to mention

Guess tonight will be a long night where I got to spend more time online
How I wish, there will come a time where I meet the guy that I love
As good as in the anime..